Founded in 1957, 2012 marks the 55th year of business for the US Outdoor Store. The company originally sold used government-issue surplus gear. It has evolved to a diverse offering of sportswear and equipment for men, women, and kids. It sells a wide range of brands for surfing, snowboarding, skiing, climbing and backpacking products.
The company remained at its old location until 1987, when product lines expanded and warranted a move to a larger space just one block south. As of 2012, there are 30,000 square feet of retail space at the US Outdoor Store's Portland location. The US Outdoor Store offers outdoor gear from major brands like The North Face, in addition to clothing, camping equipment, travel guides, accessories, and luggage.
The online store opened in 1996 and customers benefit from free shipping, no sales tax on orders over $40.00 throughout the lower 48 states and representatives who are experienced in outdoor sports to answer gear questions.
Rob Solomon, Owner of the US Outdoor Store, said, "My great-grandfather opened the US Outdoor Store in 1957 and we have grown into an eclectic collection of the best brands in outdoor gear, including: Arcteryx, Mountain Hardwear, The North Face, Burton Snowboards, Black Diamond, Osprey, Dakine, Oakley, Marmot, Lib Tech, K2, Salomon, Volcom, Quiksilver, Billabong and Volcom.
Other types of gear sold by the company include navigation aids like GPS and other electronics, mountain climbing equipment such as protective gear, ropes, pulleys, and harnesses, and various kinds of skateboards, wet suits, and winter supplies like Burton snowboards, and other brands. The website provides a personal shopping cart for purchasing any of the company's products online. Regular deals and access to the company blog are featured directly on the homepage.
"We are proud to have been in business for so long and to continue serving a diverse customer base. Outdoor sports remain popular and our mission of continued sales and growth remains strong," added Solomon.
Visit for more details and to browse the extensive catalog of outdoor gear from the US Outdoor Store.
About US Outdoor Store
US Outdoor Store was founded in 1957 and has grown to serve enthusiasts of snow, water, and land sports across the Pacific Northwest and the rest of the United States, as well as international destinations. The company maintains a large retail website and employs customer service people experienced in selling as well as using outdoor sporting goods. It sells men's, wom women's coats en's, and children's sportswear, equipment, and clothing that is durable enough for outdoor use.
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