Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Malapascua Photo Diary

@ the pump boat. I actually slept on the way lol 
 Checking out the room :)
 for foood
 Ready and full

 Goodmorning chums!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Favorite Color Combo

Blue and yellow have become my favorite color combination. They look so gorgeous together I don't know why I didn't try it sooner. I wore this outfit to work and then had dinner with the fam and hubs. Side note, I love discovering old favorites like this skirt. I found it while cleaning out my closet a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Concurs Gala Avanpremiere!

Find the latest women's multi color jumper online with Oasap, shop for women's yellow jumper, black jumper, red jumper, multi color jumper, green jumper, beige jumper and orange jumper.

Afis AVANPREMIERE, editia a10a, 22 mai

 Sorry guys, this is only for my Romanian readers:

 Gala AVANPREMIERE ajunge în acest sezon la ediţia a 10-a! Gala reprezintă cel mai cunoscut eveniment multi-brand al modei autohtone. Ea este o dovadă că ţara noastră lansează designeri de valoare, originali şi cu o viziune creativă puternic conturată. Veţi putea vedea în premieră noile colectii toamnă-iarnă 2012-2013 ale designerilor precum Iris Şerban, Carmen Secăreanu, Natalia Vasiliev, Anca & Silvia Negulescu şi Simona Semen. Evenimentul este conectat în acest an la spaţiul avangardist al modei britanice, prin prezenţa a doi tineri designeri talentaţi: Dinu Bodiciu, care înregistrează un succes remarcabil pe scena londoneză şi Ioana Ciolacu, recent acceptată la prestigiosul London Institute of Fashion. Alături de aceştia vor urca pe podium si creaţiile lui Lucian Pop – reprezentând moda masculină în această ediţie a Galei. Invitata la secţiunea video : Rhea Costa.

 Vrei să vezi şi tu aceste colecţii live?
Simplu! Tot ce trebuie să faci este să îmi spuneţi ce reprezintă pentru voi Gala Avanpremiere, iar eu pe 21 mai, voi dărui doua invitaţii la eveniment, în urma celor mai...inspirate răspunsuri. Mult succes!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

No i witam ponownie

No i witam ponownie! :)
Nareszcie zebrałam się i postanowiłam dodac posta. Co prawda starego nowego, ponieważ zdjęcia robione były dużo wcześniej.
Tak na marginesie: wkońcu słoneczko nam się pokazało i to całe!! Nie patrzyłam na termometr, ale myśle, ze temperatura była dośc wysoka, gdy więc byłam na zdjęciach zaczęłam się  opalac (skutki niestety nie widoczne, nadal jestem blada jak ściana)
 I jeszcze ten cały tydzień wolnego<3 Zapowiada się wypad do przyjaciółek i na pewno sesja;)

                                 NAWIĄZAŁAM WSPÓŁPRACĘ Z    OASAP

                                   spodenki - OASAP

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Gabardina/ Raincoat: Mango (Old)
Thanks to Helena from Olindastyle for the lovely pictures :) 

¡Hola familia! ¿Qué tal estáis? 
No termina de hacer buen tiempo...Hay días que amanece con un poco de sol y luego comienza a llover...Así que ya no salgo de casa sin el paraguas en la mano y mi gabardina. Como os dije en otro post (aquí), creo que es la prenda idónea para primavera: protege del aire y abriga lo justo para no dar calor. ¡Os animo a haceros con una!
¡Por cierto! Ya me han llegado los accesorios de los que me enamoré de Lovelix. Os los enseñaré muy pronto en un post. Os aseguro que son una pasada y están geniales de precio.
¡Un beso enorme! MIL gracias por estar ahí un día más :) ¡Que tengáis un día genial!

Hi all! How are you?

We are not having good weather at the time ... Some days it seems it is going to be sunny anda ll of a sudden  it starts to rain ... So I don't leave home without either my umbrella or my raincoat. As I said in another post (here), I think it is the ideal garment for spring: it acts as a wind stopper and isn’t too warmth. I encourage you to wear them!

By the way! I finally have with me my Lovelix accessories!!! Ill show them to you very soon in a post. I assure you they are amazing and great value.
A big kiss! Thanks a LOT for reading the blog one more day. Have a great day!

Friday, May 4, 2012

kaki - noir - talons hauts ...

Find the latest women's beige jumper online with Oasap, shop for women's yellow jumper, black jumper, red jumper, multi color jumper, green jumper, beige jumper and orange jumper. Find the latest women's high street fashion hair accessories online with Oasap, shop for women's high street fashion hair accessories, headbands at Oasap high street fashion store.

Veste et chaussures Zara, jean Cheap Monday, tee shirt Monoprix, Sac Ross (us)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lie with me and forget the world

Find the latest women's green jumper online with Oasap, shop for women's yellow jumper, black jumper, red jumper, multi color jumper, green jumper, beige jumper and orange jumper. Shop for women's creepers at Oasap women's fashion creepers store. Refine your style with Oasap latest fashion creepers collection. Take on a new look for 2012.

  • Jersey/Sweater: Zara (old)
  • Pantalones/Shorts: Oasap (s/s 2012)
  • Colgante/Necklace: ?
  • Pulsera/Bracelet: La Señorita
No puedo creer lo rápido que pasa el tiempo. Ya estamos en mayo y a mi me queda solamente un mes para irme a Roma como despedida del curso. El próximo año, será completamente nuevo para mí: nuevo instituto, nuevas clases, nuevos compañeros... aunque las ganas que tengo son tremendas. Sobre las fotos, son del pasado domingo. Aprovechando el buen tiempo, me puse unos shorts de Oasap que recibí hace unas semanas. Me gustó mucho el color y también el estampado. Como ha ido vuestro puente ? Espero que genial. Pronto en el blog algunas cosas nuevas que han llegado a mi armario esta temporada y más dibujos. He abierto unapágina en facebook donde podéis comprar algunas de mis pequeñas creaciones aquí y todavía estáis a tiempo de apuntaros al sorteo del blog. Feliz semana !

    Times flies and I can't believe it. It's May, only one month for my graduation and also my journey to Roma. Next year will be completly new for me: new school, new friends, new subjects,... however, I'm really excited. My mum took me these pics last Sunday. It was very sunny so I decided to wear shorts for the first time this year. They're from Oasap. I liked the dogs print and green colour. Soon, I'll post pics of new babes in my wardrobe and also new drawings. Remember to join the giveaway ! See you soon guys :)